A soccer pitch is by far the largest playing area in any major league sport. In this post, I will leave you everything about soccer fields without telling you their sizes, measurements, and types of land.

Soccer Field Size dimensions

According to the International Football Association Board, a soccer field should have a width from 50-100 yards (40-90 meters) and a length of between 100 to130 Yards(90 –120 meters)

However, those figures differ when it comes to a global game. Consequently, the measurements of an international soccer field have to be at least 110 by 120 yards (100 x 110 meters), and no more than both sides will equal up a total distance not less than 70 by 80 yards(64 &75 meters).

The lines that run the length of all soccer fields are simply called touchlines. Felines lines = Goal lines – These are the lines listed below that show up to be objecting; it is declared goal.

According to soccer rules, one corner flag must be in position on each of the four corners where goal and touchlines meet marking field edges.

How Tall is the Corner Flag?

The height of a corner flag must never go below 1.5 meters, or five feet The area right of the bottom penalty box line to a corner arc, which connects both boundary lines with the corner flags is referred to as a yard. The corner kick is taken from here QPointF.

Material of Playing Surface?

There can be different football fields depending on the venue as belongs to case law of Law 1. Some parts of the field are grass and some others are artificial turf.

Soccer rules dictate that hundreds of lineaments on a football field must be the same size despite playing dimension and layout may change place <> to<>locale.

These features are: The edge of the field, front side(a long goal); Penalty area; Corner zone (corner kick), and flags.

Soccer Pitch Layout:

The size of the field overall and each marking on the playing surface are specified. The size of the goal box, penalty box, corner kick areas, and center circle are also measured in accordance with law 1.

Let me give you a brief description of the organization and dimensions of each part of their soccer pitch before we discuss the markings.

But before that, check out the image below displaying types of regions in a soccer field. 

How Big is a Soccer Field?

How Big is the Goal Area?

Specific rules specified in the Laws of the Game apply to the goal area. The goalposts are eight yards apart, and the crossbar is eight feet above the ground.

In the meantime, the “goal line” refers to the two short sides (width) of the soccer pitch. Because of this, the majority of people call the additional space that exists on either side of the goal line the “byline.”

Remarkably, because of its dimensions, sports enthusiasts call the goal area the “six-yard box.”

The goal area is six yards wide, with six yards on either side of the goal and six yards in front of the goal line. The space that is 20 yards by 6 yards is referred to as the goal area. 

How Big is the Penalty Area?

The larger rectangular box that encircles the goal is the penalty area. It extends roughly eighteen yards from the goal line and each goalpost. As a result, the total area of the penalty area is 44 yards by 18 yards.

The penalty box is known as the “18-yard box” because of these dimensions.

A penalty mark is made within each penalty area twelve yards (11 meters) from the halfway between the goalposts. 

Penalty Arc:

The arc for the penalty kick is drawn with a radius of ten yards outside the penalty box. It guarantees that the penalty kicker is at least ten yards apart from the other players.

Center Circle:

The field’s center is marked with a 10-yard-diameter center circle. It is the location that is most in the middle of the soccer field. Every soccer game begins with a player kicking the ball from the center circle.

Corner Arc:

The corner arc will be used to execute a corner kick. There is a corner arc with a radius of one yard at each corner of the field. When kicking the ball, it must stay inside the corner arc.

Some fields have a marking 10 yards from the corner arc to deter players from approaching too near during a corner kick. 

Flag Post:

Even the flag poles at every corner of the field are subject to regulations. There must be a flagpole that is at least five feet tall in each corner of the field.

Are All Soccer Fields The Same Size?

No, every soccer pitch has a different size. Nonetheless, all official soccer pitches must adhere to a set of measurement requirements.

FIFA stipulates that a soccer pitch must be between 100 and 130 yards long and 50 and 100 yards broad. Typically, a soccer pitch is 120 yards long and 75 yards wide.

The allowed dimensions of a soccer pitch, however, are very flexible.

The field needs not to be square, even if a 100-yard-by-100-yard square pitch would theoretically fit inside these FIFA rules.

As such, it is not possible to find a square-shaped, legally permitted soccer field. Did you know that a lot of soccer leagues have specific specifications for fields? 

This is a quick chart that shows the recommended measurements of a soccer pitch for a few well-known soccer teams and leagues.

English Premier League115 Yards75 Yards
FIFA115 Yards74 Yards
Major League Soccer (MLS)110 Yards70 Yards
Barcelona Pitch115 Yards74 Yards

As you can see, most soccer fields have different dimensions, but they are usually close enough to each other that it doesn’t really affect how the game is played.

Professional soccer fields are used by youth, high school, and college soccer fields in addition to their own set of standard measures. 

How Big is the Youth Soccer Field?

The governing body of the youth soccer league allows the playing field to be modified to reflect the ages of the players. This is because young children are incapable of making long trips.

For players six years of age and under, a youth soccer pitch is therefore normally 25 to 35 feet long and 15 to 25 feet broad.

How Big is the Soccer Field for High School?

High school soccer pitches are not the same size as professional pitches, typically falling into the U-14 category.

The standard measurements of high school soccer fields are 55 to 80 yards wide by 100 to 120 yards long, as set by the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS).

As you can see, on the lower end of those standards, a high school soccer team might play on a U-14, 60 by 100-yard youth field.

For practices and games, a lot of smaller high schools use the youth-sized fields in their neighborhoods. But a larger high school will usually have a soccer field that is the proper size. 

How Big is the College Soccer Field?

The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) oversees the regulation of collegiate soccer pitch measurements. It is roughly 115 to 120 yards long and 70 to 75 yards wide.

It’s interesting to note that college soccer pitches are made to resemble professional league fields in every way, right down to the circumference of the center circle and goal sizes.

Which Field Is Bigger, Soccer or Football?

A soccer pitch is typically 75 yards wide and occasionally even 100 yards wide, making it broader than a football field, which is limited to 53 1/3 yards.

The total square footage of an NFL regulation football field is less than that of a typical professional FIFA soccer field.

A detailed comparison between a soccer pitch and a football field may be seen in the table below.

Width75 Yards54 Yards
Length120 Yards120 Yards (including end-zones)
Playing Area9000 Sq. Yards5400 Sq. Yards

A Summary on How Large is a Soccer Field?

Soccer is the only sport that allows various pitch sizes at various locations. The width of the field is variable, but the goal size has to stay fixed.

These lessen the home-field advantage enjoyed by certain soccer players while preserving the familiarity of the crowd. Get More Information on Soccer.com

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